Randall Greene, Former CAN Chairman and Safety Advocate, has Passed

Randall Greene, who served as Chairman for Corporate Angel Network (CAN) for close to two decades, died on Wednesday after suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Greene succeeded CAN co-founder, Lenoard Greene, and grew the organization’s network to more than 500 corporations, completing over 64,000 cancer patient flights.

“Randy’s tireless commitment to helping cancer patients access treatment was steadfast through his entire time serving on CAN’s Board of Directors,” said Jean Rosanvallon, CAN Chairman.

Outside of his charitable impact, Greene, a skilled pilot and inventor with more than 9,500 hours and 19 U.S. patents, worked in various aviation leadership roles before taking over as President and CEO for Safe Flight Instrument Corporation in 2001. He remained in management until 2019 when he passed the leadership to his nephew and CAN Board Member, Matthew Greene. 


“My uncle was a pioneer in aviation safety and I am proud to follow in his footsteps and lead this incredible organization that he dedicated himself to for so many years,” said Matthew Greene.