A Challenge of Maintaining the Fastest Growing Rotorcraft Fleet in the World
/Part of the thriving Asia Pacific, Southeast Asia will remain home to the fastest growing civil rotorcraft fleet in the world this year. Its CAGR is expected to top 21 percent and the region will account for 33 percent of the global spending on military and 20 percent on civil helicopters. Naturally, such a rapid expansion comes with a set of challenges. One of the major ones is related to fleet support, especially in remote areas of the region. Unfortunately, OEMs and independent MRO providers are yet to arrive at a unanimous decision with regard to the most effective solution to the problem.
Geneva Airpark Handles Demands of Second Busiest Business Aviation Airport in Europe
/2015 Kentucky Derby to Affect Traffic at SDF, LOU and JVY
/The FAA has released a NOTAM about special air traffic procedures around the Kentucky Derby. The three airports specifically mentioned in the NOTAM are:
For more information, refer to NBAA's page, which includes a link to the PDF of the individual NOTAM or the FAA's Notices to Airmen page, which includes the full PDF of all NOTAMs.