NBAA Comments on Sequester's Potential Impact for Aviation

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen issued the following statement on Wednesday, regarding comments made by Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, indicating that government inaction to prevent a looming “sequester” – which would require across-the-board budget cuts at all federal agencies – will likely lead the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to reduce air traffic control (ATC) services.
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NBAA: GA Depreciation Debate Should Focus on Reality Rather Than Rhetoric

National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen issued the following statement regarding recent White House comments, made as part of the debate over reducing the nation’s debt, which focused on the amount and timing of tax payments for companies using general aviation airplanes – also known as “depreciation schedules” on the aircraft.
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Aaron Thayer Wins NATA FBO Success Seminar Registration

Aaron Thayer, Operations Manager, Cleveland Jet Center, is the winner of a drawing for a free NATA FBO Success Seminar registration.

The drawing, co-sponsored by NATA and AC-U-KWIK, was conducted at the NBAA Schedulers and Dispatcher Convention held recently in San Antonio, TX.

The registration, valued at $650, is good for the next NATA FBO Success Seminar to be held March 11 and 12 in Las Vegas, NV.

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FBOs to Compete on Service, Not Price in 2013 - Steady 6% Growth Forecast for FBOs

By John L. Enticknap and Ron R. Jackson
Principals, Aviation Business Strategies Group

Recently, we attended the National Business Aviation Association’s (NBAA) Schedule and Dispatchers (S&D) Conference in San Antonio. While there, we had the opportunity to address a group of FBO leaders regarding the present state of the industry and where we saw the future headed in 2013.

Throughout the year we have many opportunities to talk with FBOs from various parts of the country. At the NATA FBO Success Seminar, we conduct twice a year, we network and exchange ideas and information with FBO owners, operators and managers. Also, we receive feedback from this blog we write for AC-U-KWIK FBO Connection.

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