Air Elite® Network FBOs Visit Dubai for MEBA 2014

Several Air Elite Network Diamond Service designated FBOs are exhibiting this week in Dubai for the 2014 Middle East Business Aviation exhibition (MEBA 2014) to strengthen their global customer relationships, promote the network and each of their uniquely exceptional locations.
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FlyBuys® Rewards Offers New Members a Chance to Win Big

The FlyBuys Rewards Program has kicked off a special promotion at the 2014 Middle East Business Aviation exhibition (MEBA 2014). New members who enroll in FlyBuys the popular, global rewards program, are awarded 1,000 bonus points and the chance to win a trip to the UEFA Champions League Final being held in Berlin, Germany on June 6, 2015.
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SVO/UUEE Unveils Further Development Plans

Sheremetyevo Airport (UUEE) in Moscow presented its plans for further reconstruction. In anticipation of the third runway opening in early 2017, the company plans to build a new terminal on the North side by totally replacing and exterminating the aging Terminal B. The business jet routiniers would instantly recognize “B” by the roundish satellite on the apron and the General Aviation Center that served as the airport-authority-run FBO up to 2011.
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FBO Connection Featured in B&CA Digest

By John L. Enticknap and Ron R. Jackson, Principals of Aviation Business Strategies Group
Facilitators of NATA’s FBO Success Seminar and Authors of the forthcoming book: FBO Survival: 10 Tips to Keep Your Operations Lean, Mean & Profitable

We would like to welcome B&CA Digest readers to our blog, FBO Connection. Since our first blog post in 2011, the FBO Connection has been a source for discussion, ideas and general conversation on the FBO industry where you’ll find regular contributions from seasoned FBO professionals sprinkled with bits of wisdom and peppered occasionally with some hot topics. We like to call it “Sage Advice for the FBO Community.”

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Hillsboro Aviation Sells Flight School to Renovus Capital Partners and Graycliff Partners

Max Lyons, owner of Hillsboro Aviation, is pleased to announce the sale of one of its three core business groups, the flight training division, to Renovus Capital Partners and Graycliff Partners. Under Lyons’ ownership, Hillsboro Aviation will continue to operate its charter and sales and service divisions with an enhanced focus on charter services, aircraft sales, MRO, avionics services and parts sales. This next chapter for Hillsboro Aviation includes a new 45,000 square foot building on 5.4 acres at the Hillsboro Airport to be completed in early 2016.
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Airport Authority Adds Noise-Abatement Communication Position

Diane Terrill has joined the City of Naples Airport Authority as its communications specialist for noise abatement. The position was created to oversee the noise program for Naples Municipal Airport and includes the responsibilities of responding to the public about aircraft noise concerns; promoting noise-abatement procedures among airport users; assisting with public outreach and communication; and working with the Airport Authority’s Noise Compatibility Committee.
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