Fly4Life Mission Aviation Calendar Now Available

Missionary pilot and aviation artist Jim Rendel.Missionary pilot and aviation artist, Jim Rendel, has created a 14-month calendar with detailed drawings of aircraft used between 1930 and 2010 in humanitarian and mission aviation.

Rendel grew up in northwest Nigeria where his parents were missionaries with SIM (Serving in Mission). Growing up in a remote area meant that Rendel and his siblings were 500 miles from the mission boarding school. They flew back and forth on a small mission plane.

Rendel’s early interest in aviation was fueled by these flights, model airplane kits and a talent for drawing. Rendel has a commercial pilot’s license with instrument and multi-engine ratings and an A&P mechanic’s license. He has contributed to SIM for 36 years and logged 10,000 hours of flying experience in West Africa.

Rendel's illustration for August in the Fly4Life calendar.When Rendel learned the theme for this year’s Air Venture was “Fly4Life,” he drew the artwork and copy for the calendar and worked with The International Association of Missionary Aviation (IAMA) to produce the “Fly4Life” calendar.

Don Campion, president of Banyan Air Service, and long time friend of Rendel is pleased to be the sponsor of this unique calendar. Air Venture spectators could visit the IAMA tent at Air Venture to see an exhibit of Rendel’s original artwork and to purchase the calendar. The calendar is also available online at for about $15. Proceeds from the calendar go to IAMA and SIM.