Marine Aviation Museum Receives Grant For AH-1 Bell Cobra Purchase

The grant was made possible by Charles Burnett III of the Weston foundation. Mr. Burnett wanted to honor Paul Cobb, former Police Chief of Pasadena who was shot down in a Cobra during the Vietnam War.

Local aviator Darrel Stewart and Mr. Cobb were instrumental in securing the Cobra for the museum. The aircraft will be on display at the Lone Star flight Museum and will be on flying displays and museum display in the local area. The museum’s mission is to honor and educate the public about the service and sacrifices of veterans of the Vietnam War. This aircraft addition honors members of the armed forces who were involved with the Cobra during the Vietnam era.

“We are very pleased to acquire a Bell Cobra’” says Rick Sharpe, president for the museum. “The aircraft was developed during the Vietnam War and was the first helicopter made just for ground attacks. Many fine men and woman have flown them since and it certainly will honor the fine men who flew and worked on them in Vietnam.”

The aircraft will be on display at the Marine Aviation Museum which is within the facilities of the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston, TX.