NBAA CAM Governing Board Announces New Officers at NBAA2014

The National Business Aviation Association’s (NBAA) Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) Governing Board will meet today at the Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA2014), and two new officers, elected at the previous CAM Governing Board meeting in June 2014, will begin their two-year terms immediately following the meeting.

The new officers are: T. James Buchanan, CAM, director – flight operations administration for AT&T, who will serve as chair of the CAM Governing Board; and Rick Mrkacek, CAM, manager, flight operations at Country Financial, who will serve as secretary/treasurer.

“This is an exciting time for the CAM program,” said Buchanan. “Achieving accreditation and launching the CAM Governing Board scholarship creates great enthusiasm for business aviation managers to be CAMs.”

The outgoing chair, R. Scott Rose, CAM, was first appointed to the CAM Governing Board in 2007 and was elected chair in 2010. During his tenure, he supervised the accreditation application process that the CAM Governing Board successfully completed in October 2013 with the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Rose is manager of flight operations ADS at PepsiCo, Inc. – ADS Base. In 2004, he was one of the first 50 aviation managers to earn the CAM designation.

Mark Chaney, CAM, the outgoing secretary/treasurer, was part of the group that successfully took the first CAM exam in October 2003. He has been a member of the CAM Governing Board for eight years and served as secretary/treasurer for seven years. Chaney is director of aviation for Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated.

The CAM credential provides a clear industry standard for preparation and achievement in business aviation management. The CAM program is the first in the aviation industry to receive NCCA accreditation. Read more about CAM’s NCCA accreditation.

For more information, contact NBAA at, or learn more about the CAM program at