Aviation Blockbuster Bracket Quarterfinals Will Take Your Breath Away

Looks like you picked the wrong week to quit voting in the Aviation Blockbuster Bracket because the final eight contenders find themselves in intriguing matchups.

Dr. Strangelove ... , a satire about a nuclear holocaust, takes on Battle of Britain, about the Royal Air Force defending the United Kingdom from Nazi Germany's Luftwaffe.

Mercury 7 astronauts in The Right Stuff face Jimmy Stewart's Charles Lindbergh in The Spirit of St. Louis.

An American long-range bomber unit conducting some of the earliest daylight raids over Nazi Germany in Twelve O'Clock High squares off against Martin Scorsese's biopic about Howard Hughes, The Aviator.

Classic spoof Airplane! and Top Gun are already engaged in a dogfight in the danger zone.

Already? But it's only the quarterfinals. Surely, you can't be serious.

We are serious. And don't call us Shirley.

So which films have the right stuff to advance. Vote before Thursday, May 14. Leave a comment. Tweet @acukwik with the #aviationblockbuster hashtag.