World Energy and World Fuel Services Supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel During NBAA BACE 2021
World Fuel is supplying the SAF from World Energy, the world’s first and America’s only commercial scale SAF producer. SAF is a “drop in” fuel equivalent that reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 80 percent over the fuel’s life cycle, compared to fossil fuels. Since 2015, World Fuel has delivered more than 22 million gallons of World Energy’s SAF to business and commercial aviation customers.
World Energy and World Fuel Services will also expand their efforts to increase SAF availability and supply chain efficiency by offering Book and Claim to all customers flying during NBAA-BACE and beyond. Book and Claim allows customers, no matter where they are in the world, to derive the same environmental benefits of SAF without consuming the physical product. For Book and Claim, customers will need to contact their World Fuel sales representative for more information.