Avfuel Adds NATA Sustainability Designation

At Avfuel Corporation, sustainability is far more than just a selling point—for the leading global supplier of aviation fuel and services, it is a profound commitment to better the health of its communities and world. Toward this end, Avfuel applied for and was found to meet the requirements for NATA’s Sustainability Standard for Aviation Businesses.

From its efforts, Avfuel was designated as a Green Aviation Business – Tier 1 at its Ann Arbor, Mich., headquarters. To date, Avfuel’s headquarters is just one of 24 locations—held by 13 companies—to receive a designation under the standard.*

As part of the tier 1 certification process, the Avfuel team established its baseline carbon footprint, submitted its environmental policy, phased out single-use products in its kitchen/dining area, and confirmed its utilization of the following: a local recycling program; paperless processes; LED lighting; a filtered water fill station; motion-sensor lighting; energy-star rated kitchen appliances; and low-flow plumbing fixtures.

The certification is illustrative of Avfuel’s overall commitment to sustainability. The fuel supplier is committed to identifying, developing, providing and advocating for sustainable solutions, making it Avfuel’s duty to promote environmentally responsible operations at its properties and throughout the Avfuel Network, in addition to facilitating initiatives to help customers reach their sustainability goals.

In addition to those efforts previously highlighted, Avfuel also plans to offset all annual carbon emissions generated from scope 1 and 2 activities, fuel used in corporate aircraft, and diesel used in leased refueler truck equipment across the Avfuel Network. For its customers, Avfuel offers an array of sustainable solutions, including sustainable aviation fuel, book and claim, and carbon offsetting. Those interested in learning more are encouraged to visit Avfuel.com/Sustainability.

*At time of writing on May 11, 2022.