Calling All Schedulers and Dispatchers
/More than 2,000 attendees and 378 exhibitors, 25 more than last year, will participate in NBAA's 19th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference. The event takes place Jan. 29 through Feb. 1 at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center.
It will cover news related to operating in the National Airspace System, cross-border trends, security best practices and new management and customer service approaches.
The event has grown incrementally since its inception, NBAA spokesman Dan Hubbard said. He attributes its growth to an increasingly competitive global marketplace that demands more efficient use of business aircraft.
"Businesses continue to become more adept at utilizing their aircraft for employee travel, to sell and market, to provide customer service and to extend management control," Hubbard said.
In effect, schedulers and dispatchers need more direct access to information about top technologies and best practices for supporting safe and efficient management of company personnel and aviation resources.
Tom Whittaker, the first person with a disability to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, will give the keynote address on how "attitude determines your altitude."